Pamper those hands at home!!

Manicure is a need these days rather than being a luxury. This article contains some quick and easy steps for you to carry out a home based manicure session, to get those pretty, soft and supple hands.Also listing a few do's and dont's to take care of, so that the beauty of the hands can be retained.

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Running short on budget and time!! Here are a few and easy steps that will make your manicure not only handy but also a less tedious task.
My home made manicure regime requires less than 30 minutes of your time and leaves your hands with a more supple and prettier look.

Below I give you five steps that form your quick, cheap and easy manicure session leaving you with a professional home based
mainicured pair of hands:

1. Getting Rid Of: Take off all traces of your nail polish using cotton balls.(Use acetone or any nail polish remover)
2. Filing the nails: Use a nail filer to cut and give the desired shape to your nails.
3. Soaking and pushing: Use luke warm water to soak your hands for sometime, so as to to soften the nails. Apply cuticle remover cream to
push them down.
4. Scrubbing and moisturizing: Use a hand scrubber and immediately moisturize the hands with an appropriate hand cream.
5. Polishing: Apply two coats of nail polish. First the base coat and then another thin coat for finesse.

Also, some essentials to take care of :

-> File the nails in one direction only. Never use the seesaw motion.
-> Cuticles give your hand a rough look; hence push them down after a shower. Never cut them, for it will only
leave you with cuts and bruises.
-> Let your nails breathe as well. Give them a break from nail polishes once every two weeks.
-> Moisturize your hands every time you wet your hands. For this might help you retain the softness.
-> Clench your fists for ten seconds and then throw your fingers out with a jerk. Perform this exercise to keep the blood circulation
-> Keep your nail polish in a cool, dry place to make it last longer.
-> Light nail polishes are always in. Chips and cracks go unnoticed.

Time to flaunt your beautiful, pampered hands!!!


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